Can you help me grow my business?

We can give you a clear and accountable marketing plan and help to get it done

When you live and breathe what you do, it can be hard to know what to do next to grow. You get bombarded by digital agencies promising the world. You can waste a heap of time and money without any of the results.

Good Business Better is here to help you create a smart marketing strategy and then put an accountable plan in place, we will help you get done - with the results to prove it.

We help you work out who your good clients are and how we can find more of them, to keep growing as cost effectively as possible, at a fraction of the cost of having to hire your own marketing manager.

We do this by:

  1. Understanding your business

  2. Clarifying the key problems you need help to solve

  3. Creating a custom marketing strategy for your business

  4. Putting together an agreed accountable plan on how we make that happen

  5. Monitoring the results and adapting to make sure we hit them

Our Process

  • 1. Show

    We understand your business, your goals and your key challenges

  • 2. Know

    We understand your clients, their goals and their challenges

  • 3. Grow

    Once we understand your business and your clients, we work together to find more

  1. Show

The first step is helping us understanding you and your business. We love working out what makes you tick!

The best way to do this is 3 x 30 minute sessions with you, and/or key staff, where we get to learn about:

  • Where your revenue comes from

  • Which revenue streams are more important than others

  • Who your ideal clients are and why

  • How you qualify and win new business

  • Who you compete against and how often you win

  • How efficiently you deliver on your promise

  • How your clients experience buying and consuming your offering

  • What the ongoing relationship is like

  • What your clients say about you

  • Who are your key staff members

2. Know

The second step is really understanding your clients. There are three main things we do to get actionable insights from your existing community.

Case Studies

We will understand the journey your clients has been on from identifying the initial problem to finding the best solution - it helps you really understand your clients in their own words.

We organise a call with nominated clients and run through 10 simple questions in under 30 minutes. We then write up a case study, which is great content for your sales team and website.

Buyer Personas

We then identify the common themes to help us classify your buyers, and find others like them.

Commercial Insight

The last piece is that we clarify what prospects don't know about their business but should. This is critical to helping shift from a transactional supplier, to a trusted partner that your clients can't live without.

3. Grow

This is where we take the insights from your business and clients to focus on the right activities to grow your revenue, with the right partners (where needed). There are two key steps.

  1. Get your house in order

    We make sure you have the right information your prospects value across the key touch points in their buying journey.

  2. Invite people in

    Once we have the right information and process in place, we then help you efficiently and effectively find more prospects so you can grow with the right clients (unfortunately this is where many people start and wonder why they fail!)

Find out why a marketing partner could be right for your business.

Help me do marketing better

Ready to get the right marketing strategy and plan for your business, and a partner that will make sure you get there - we can help.

Get in touch, and we will take you through our plan with clear timings - so you know what is happening when.

Let’s get on with it!


Is my marketing working?


Marketing Mentoring and Coaching